Nerd on a Budget

Aerocool and Cancer Council

Aerocool is proud to support Cancer Council and their vital work finding new ways to better detect and treat cancer.

Let's get together to hang out and have fun while doing some good in the world.

Streaming on 11/6/2019. Deal hunting and other shenanigans. Donations will go towards raffle tickets for some cool prizes from Aerocool!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Johnny Winter Nielsen

hope i Win


Chris Foafoa

Keep up the Awesome work.




Kisan A. Sar

You hustle north of Seattle, and I hustle down here in Tacoma. LOL


Danny Le


Meng Moua



hope i win



Watched the two hour video of the stream while doing dishes. I actually use to live in California but because of the fires I had to move. Loved gaining some knowledge for my first pc build from the stream.





Andrew Wright

Keep it up Danny! (Double Donno!)


Andrew Wright

Heck, why not again lol


Floraine Kay

Thanks for the amazing content.



I donated through superchat so I also had to donate on your fundraiser


Ryan Szeto




Looking forward to the return of the weekly streams! Woop woop! #TechFam







Sergio Tineo